Rosy Simas Danse was founded in 2012, out of an artistic vision of Rosy Simas, to support the creation and presentation of Native contemporary dance.
Choreographer and Transdisciplinary artist Rosy Simas has been creating dance and presenting the work of other artists since 1992.
Still led by Simas, today, Rosy Simas Danse presents and tours works to audiences across Turtle Island.
Anti-Oppression, Equity and Inclusion Statement
Rosy Simas Danse is a Native led arts organization. We believe that the liberation of all peoples starts with the healing of oppression and trauma caused by the intersectional, historical and current oppression of Native, Indigenous, Black and People of Color in this country. We acknowledge that all human beings and all species in relationship with human beings need to be free.
The work of Rosy Simas Danse specifically seeks to simultaneously work against all named and unnamed forms of systemic oppression such as white supremacy, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism and gender-bias while advancing an inclusive, abundant, holistic ecosystem, working against capitalist notions of scarcity and value. An ecosystem that will support and allow the Native, Indigenous, Black and People of Color dance community in this country to thrive.
We aim to be equitable in all of our programming through not only our own commissioning, programming, and paying of artists and community, but by actively advocating and fighting for equality for Native, Indigenous, Black and People of Color in the broader arts field.
Major support for Rosy Simas Danse is provided by the McKnight Foundation, Propel Nonprofits, Jerome Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, and by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Each project page details funders, supports, donors. Please visit our project pages to learn more.
For information on funding for Rosy Simas as an individual artist visit