she who lives on the road to war
she who lives on the road to war
Created by Rosy Simas
All My Relations Arts & Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis: September 2022-Feb 2023
Oneida Arts, Oneida, WI: July 2023
Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Kahului, HI: March 2024
Gibney, New York City, NY: April 2024
she who lives on the road to war is an immersive installation and dance performance created by Rosy Simas in response to global loss and the collective need to come together in peace and reconciliation. she who lives on the road to war takes its title from one of the names of Haudenosaunee historical figure Jigonhsasee, whose wisdom and vision helped Hiawatha and the Peacemaker bring the Nations together as the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. she who lives on the road to war is a place for visitors to rest, grieve, condole and meditate.
The project will had a dual premiere in 2022 in Minneapolis in the heart of the Native community at All My Relations Arts and the Weisman Art Museum.
Simas is considering rest, refuge, grieving, condoning, and cultivating a deep attention to those ideas and being together. Performers participate in the process and the evolution of the project as long as the practice supports their own artistic endeavors. We are working with a model which is less about the production product and more about a supportive process in which audiences, community, other artists, and scholars weave in and out of the creative process and performances.
Weisman Art Museum: September 10, 2022 - February 19, 2023
All My Relation Arts: October 6th - December 17, 2022
Past Performances:
Weisman Art Museum
Wednesday, Sept 21, 6:30 pm
Sunday, Sept 25, 2 pm
Wednesday, Sept 28, 6:30 pm
Saturday, Oct 1, 2 pm
Wednesday, Oct 12, 6:30 pm
Saturday, Dec 3, 2 pm
Sunday, Dec 4, 2 pm
Saturday, January 7, 2 pm
Sunday, February 5, 2 pm
All My Relations Arts
Thursday, Oct 6, 7 pm
Friday, Oct 7, 7pm
Saturday, Oct 8, 2pm
Monday, Oct 10, 3pm
Saturday, Nov 12, 6pm
Saturday, Nov 13, 2pm
Saturday, Nov 19, 6pm
Sunday, Nov 20, 2pm
Friday, Dec 16, 7pm
she who lives on the road to war is being developed in and will premiere on the unceded territory of the Dakota in Mni Sota Makoce. This work is also being developed in relationship to Onöndowa’ga (Seneca) lands, other Haudenosaunee territories, and unceded Haudenosaunee lands in what is now called New York and Ontario.

Minneapolis Credits:
Composer: François Richomme
Performers: Jessika Akpaka, Lelis Brito, Erin Drummond, Sam Johnson, Sam Mitchell, Valerie Oliveiro, Pedra Pepa, Sharon Picasso,
Lela Pierce, Judith H S Xiān, Jeffrey Wells, and Taja Will.
Lighting Design: Heidi Eckwall
Production Management/Community Engagement: Sequoia Hauck
Production/Studio Assistant: Atim Opoka
WAM Target Studio installation: Reggie Spanier
Images by Valerie Oliveiro and Rosy Simas
Initial research for she who lives on the road to war was supported by the Weisman Art Museum Target Studio for Creative Collaboration program and the Pamela Beatty Mitchell Residency in Contemporary Dance at Colorado College Department of Theater and Dance.
The creation of she who lives on the road to war is made possible by a Native Arts and Cultures Foundation SHIFT award, The MAP Fund, and the New England Foundation for the Arts' National Dance Project, with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Mellon Foundation.
Projects of Rosy Simas Danse are supported by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund, and the McKnight Foundation.
Rosy Simas is a 2023 Doris Duke Artist, a 2022 Doris Duke USA fellow, and a 2022 McKnight Choreographer fellow.