Entering Aniam - an ONLINE work-in-progress sharing from Sam Aros Mitchell

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Artist in Residence Sam Mitchell

The Yoeme conception of the universe is one that is composed of overlapping worlds, which are called aniam. There are at least nine different aniam and each of these worlds have their own distinct qualities, as well as forces. Entering Aniam is the continued practice of embodied research that Sam has conducted for several years, most recently, while residing in Arizona. Entering Aniam is a reflection of Sam's connection between the Southwest, the body and his ancestors. Sam was also inspired by the poems of colleague and friend, Natalie Diaz, whom he works with at The Center for Imagination in The Borderlands at Arizona State University.

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Sam Aros Mitchell (he/him/his) is an enrolled member with the Texas Band of Yaqui Indians. He is currently a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Arizona State University, working with Akimel O'odham poet Natalie Diaz and Lumbee scholar, Bryan Brayboy. 

As an actor, Sam has performed with Toot Performance in the film The Premise of Gripping the Wall When You’re Upset. Sam has also appeared in the audio play, Tawa's Rising by Jaren Navenma (Hopi/Tuscarora) for New Native Theatre’s National Native American 10-Minute Play Festival. 

As a dancer, Sam appeared in Rosy Simas short film,yödoishëndahgwa'geh. More recently, Samperformed as a dancer/musician in a public performance titled In The River, in the Twin Cities, conceived by artist, Karthik Pandian. Sam is happy to return back to the Twin Cities from Arizona, where he performed a dance solo at The Artivist Festival, hosted by ASU Dance majors.

Sam’s publishing company, Aros and Son Publishing, published a collection of poetry titled, Longview Road, written by Yaqui poet and writer, Manny Monolin. Sam has a PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies from the joint doctoral program at UC San Diego/UC Irvine.



The River Flows


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